Here you will find links to articles and tools with great website design tips that would help designers, developers and website owners. This is a great page to bookmark. If you have any links or suggestions you would like to share with everyone, please click here! Alternatively, you can post directly on our Google community page.
A new, better and cheaper way to process online payment using cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrencies are getting a little more mainstream today thanks to a new plugin allowing WordPress websites to easily accept a wide range of cryptocurrencies. [Read More]
Some background on our trouble cancelling our account/subscription You will find below our experience trying to cancel our subscription to as well as the link allowing you to do so. The folks at seem [Read More]
Show your product in the best light to increase sells online. The importance of great product images for ecommerce. This article is about why any online shop needs great product photography, how it can directly affect [Read More]
Here is a list of tools we recommend to test websites These tools will help you understand if your websites needs improvement. Don’t worry too much if you score isn’t perfect. Most of them can be [Read More]
A step-to-step fool-proof guide to host a GIF online and posting it on Facebook to boost online marketing How to get around Facebook’s limitation on GIF and post it without error? It’s true – there is [Read More]
A complete guide to doing online marketing right on Facebook by manoeuvring all post types and features. We all know the online marketing golden rule: Content is king. Most smartphone users check their phones first thing [Read More]
Edit 10/07/2019: We highly recommed not to use Godaddy for any serious website! We may write an article detailing why in the future. Step by step guide to installing a SSL origin certificate on Godaddy using [Read More]
My work formula for anyone to write digital marketing copies First off, what is copywriting? Copywriting is considered one of the most powerful digital marketing elements in today’s online realms. Simply put, copywriting is to call-to-action [Read More]
Creating your first Google AdWords campaign Here is a step by step beginner guide which aims to show you how to set-up your first Adwords ad campaign. We will start by providing information regarding the content [Read More]
Testing responsive websites You are finally able to test your new responsive website but don’t have hundreds of devices to make sure that it looks great everywhere. You could resize your web browser but this isn’t [Read More]
Photoshop automation As a web designer, you often have to repeat tasks using Photoshop. You may need to resize and save a lot of images, apply the same filters and effects over and over again etc.. [Read More]
Nobody likes filling webforms! Filling a webform can be time consuming and make your user leave your page without completing it. This is why making this process easy is very important if you want to improve [Read More]
Real favicon generator Ever wondered how to create a favicon for your website? How do you make sure your custom image is properly shown on all web browsers, mobile devices etc? Well you can create 1 [Read More]